Intro to Screenwriting

Intro to Screenwriting is an online course taught by Josh. The course will teach you how to construct compelling scripts using various techniques of storytelling and narrative construction.
Intro to Screenwriting

In this online course you will learn the basics of developing an idea, breaking down a story, and creating character arcs to write a screenplay, or part of a screenplay, for a short or feature length film, or pilot for a television show.


By reading a feature film or television script each week, students will learn by example how to begin developing their stories into a script. There will also be weekly writing exercises and readings designed to push your idea into a fully formed compelling narrative.


This class is for those who have strong ideas for screenplays but don’t know how to get started, or those that are interested in learning more about story structure and narrative construction for short films, narrative films, television, and web content. It’s also a useful workshop for more experienced screenwriters looking to refresh their skills or present their work for feedback.


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